Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Buying cars!

Buying a new car! its such a great feeling that you know that your getting one that nobodys has ever used. You get to pick the model you like, the color, the interior colr, and even the certain uprgrades you want to make to the car. Ofcourse for a price! Some cars maybe more expensive then others, and might even look the same. Lets look at the 2009 Infiniti G35 and the 2009 Mecedes Benz E-class.
The 2009 Mercedes Benz E-Class
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The 2009 Infiniti G35
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These two cars have alot in common and look similiar. The only difference is the price. The mercedes starts at around 60 thousand dollars where as the Infiniti starts at around 30 thousand dollars. These cars have very similar performance, and interior features such as navigation and leather heated seats. For the value of the Infiiniti and the its performance fearures compare d to its pricte is a great value. The Mecnedes Benz which is a top enad vehicle cost more because of more compguterized features with in the car and foriegn parts that may cost more, also its elegant features and high reputation. The Mecedes does attract more attention because it may cost more but the infiniti is from less attractive.

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