Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Final Debate

A lot of work due for school yesterday stopped me from being able to watch the debate. From the reactions I've heard, it wasn't a must see by any means and did little to impact the race. One good thing about it is that now all the debates are over. Looking back on all three presidential debates and the vice presidential debate, I don't think they moved the race much at all. The most important result was Obama's success in portraying himself as presidential material. He had the most to lose going in. John McCain's did not do so well in her readiness for presidency. McCain's slow and steady collapse in the polls began after that interview. Palin was a risky pick that could have been a great if he had been in greater effect. The debate seemed to be a fight for McCain. it was said that he had been going against all Obama had pledged and at one point in the election McCain stated how if Obama wanted to run against George W. Bush, he should have run four years ago. McCains aggression might of given him the edge of the debate but he needed to fully out preform Obama to make up the point deficit in order to make him the choosen electorate for the white house.

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